The Deercreek Township Zoning Resolution was established in June of 2003 and was adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community by:
- Regulating the use of land areas and the construction, restoration and/or alteration of buildings and their uses
- Restricting the dimensions of land, yards, and open spaces as to secure adequate light, air and safety from fire and other dangers
- Controlling the bulk, height, density, and location of buildings
- Protecting and preserving existing natural resources
- Assuring the orderly growth and development of lands
All as permitted by the provisions of Chapter 519 of the Ohio Revised Code. Copies of the Resolution are available at the Township Office for a fee of $ 35.00/copy.
The Zoning Inspector handles inquiries and applications for new construction, site development, or remodeling. The zoning inspector also enforces the requirements of the Zoning Resolution and reports any cases of non-compliance to the Board of Zoning Appeals or any other appropriate entity for action.
There are six (6) zoning districts are established for Deercreek Township. They are:
- Farm Residential District
- Rural Residential District
- Suburban Residential District
- General Business District
- Special Use District
- Flood Plain District
Each of these districts has unique zoning requirements tailored to the intended use for that district.
- Construction, structural alteration or enlargement of any non-agricultural building or structure, including accessory buildings.
- Change in use of an existing building or accessory building, except agricultural uses, to a use not listed in permitted the zoning district where the building is located.
- Occupancy and use, excepting agricultural use, of vacant land.
- Change in use of land to a use not listed as a permitted use in the zoning district where the land is located.
- Any alteration, expansion, or other change of a lawful nonconforming use as a regulated by Article V of the Resolution.
- Name, address, and telephone number of applicant(s)
- Property street address (issued through County Engineer’s Office in Circleville)
- Parcel ID Number (online, auditor’s office, or tax card)
- Legal description of property as recorded in the Pickaway County Recorder’s Office
- All Measurements (Lot size, location of proposed building to all property boundary lines, building measurements)
- Plans in triplicate, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions and shape of the lot to be built upon. Submit the exact dimensions and location of existing buildings on the lot if any, and the location and dimension of the proposed building(s) or alteration.
- Height of proposed building.
- Existing and proposed use
- Zoning district in which property is located
- An approval by the Pickaway County Health Department of the proposed method of water supply and for disposal of sanitary wastes prior to the approval of the Zoning Inspector.
- Documentation that a permit for driveway installation can be obtained from the Ohio Department of Transportation or other applicable authority, if required by the zoning district regulations.
- Number and dimensions of existing and proposed off-street parking or loading spaces
- Number of proposed dwelling units
- Fees paid
- Any additional information needed by the Zoning Inspector
- $500.00 Single Family House
- $100.00 New Buildings (garages that are separate from the house)
- $100.00 Room Addition
- $500.00 Lot Split
- $3500.00 Cell/Communication Tower
- $1000.00 Attachments to a Cell/Communication Tower
- $750.00 ZONING CERTIFICATE for an 3rd party who is constructing a structure on public property in Deercreek Township
- $750.00 APPEALS APPLICATION (if applicant requests tabling after the notification to the paper, another application fee must be paid before rescheduling)
- $750.00 RE-ZONING (if applicant requests tabling after the notification to the paper, another application fee must be paid be for rescheduling)
- $100.00 Above ground decks
- $100.00 Porches, ground level decks, enclosed porches
- $100.00 Shelter House, Small Building and/or Storage Building over 200 sq. ft.
- $100.00 Portable Storage Containers
Requirements For Driveways: 40-foot-wide, With 12 inch N 12 Solid Plastic
- New House
- Garages
- Pole Barns (unless for agricultural use)
- Shelter Houses over 200 square feet
- Adding a porch with or without a roof
- Adding an enclosed porch or enclosing an existing porch
- Adding a deck over 200 square feet or any deck over 30” above grade regardless of size
- Electrical service upgrades
- Sheds or accessory buildings over 200 square feet
- In ground swimming pools or above ground pools over 30” deep
- Room Additions
- Remodeling
Contact the Pickaway County Building Department at 124 West Franklin Street, Circleville, Ohio 43113 or at 740-477-8282, or fax at 740-477-8265 for additional information or clarification.
Pickaway County
Pickaway County
Deercreek Township Zoning Map
Pickaway County, Ohio

Deercreek Township School District Map
Pickaway County, Ohio